About Us

behind the scenes

meet our amazing team

The Faces Behind our Success

Susan Tapper website designer

Susan Tapper

Website Designer

Susan is our website designer. Susan has a Bachelor degree in Business Management and Marketing. She worked in Accounts Payable / Receivable and Payroll for many years. Deciding in 2017 to pursue her creative side, she studied website design. Susan has achieved certificates from Dynamic Web Training for Advanced WordPress, HTML5, CSS3 and Responsive HTML Emails. Susan is very passionate about supporting environment preservation and animal welfare groups.

Richard Tapper Quality and Assurance Manager

Richard Tapper

Q & A Manager

Richard is our Quality and Assurance Manager. Richard has a degree in IT from the University of Greenwich in London. He has been a software engineer for many years. His years of experience and strive for perfection ensures our websites are rigorously tested before release. Richard is also an App developer with his own business called Tapper Software. He is a cycling enthusiast.  Richard is passionate about scuba diving and marine life welfare.

A Little bit about

Who We Are

We are a family owned business.  We design websites, app development, provide web hosting and website domains, and create email marketing (email newsletters) to provide a wider reach to your demographic.

Our Philosophy

Our Values

Charities We Are Proud To Support